My book clears a hurdle

My book manuscript (Florida’s Greatest Menace, Evolution vs. Creationism in the Sunshine State) was sent to “external reviewers” for their analysis of my work several weeks ago. Their job was to tell the publisher whether my book was truly worth the effort to make. I got the review results today. They liked it, they really liked it! Of course, they had some good suggestions for improvement, but they thought it was a unique, quality work that the publisher should definitely run with. YAY! Now those reviews are presented to the publisher’s board for a final decision next month. Can’t wait!

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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6 Responses to My book clears a hurdle

  1. Ivorygirl says:

    Great job Brandon I’m so happy for you

  2. Jonathan Smith says:

    Good news Brandon,please keep us updated with the progress.

  3. Ivorygirl says:

    Brandon, I will get the book if it’s published,but I wondered if you are allowed to say what are the time periods involved. I guess up to what date?

  4. Brandon Haught says:

    1923 to the present day.

  5. Debra Walker says:

    Best wishes!

  6. Weyrcat says:

    Yay! Congratulations! And good luck!

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