Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why isn’t Florida government making science education a priority?

An op-ed I wrote was published in today’s Orlando Sentinel. Press releases issued by the Florida Department of Education are always overflowing with good news. Everything is great. Student performance is always trending upward. Our state government is doing everything … Continue reading

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$1,661 given to science education!

Thank you to all who supported our Fifth Annual fundraising for Florida classroom science supplies on Donors Choose (see our previous post announcing the launch of the fundraiser).  We chose five science education-related requests to support and now $1,661 later … Continue reading

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Florida Citizens for Science: Reject Senate Bill 48 and its “Education Savings Accounts”

It’s spring and that means it is time for the annual assault on Florida public schools by the powers that be in Tallahassee. For the third year in a row Governor Ron DeSantis and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran have crafted … Continue reading

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Science teachers are a critical need in Florida … again

The Florida Department of Education issues an annual report entitled Identification of Critical Teacher Shortage Areas. (Here is the most recent report.) For at least a decade, science has been on the list of certification areas that “represent the greatest … Continue reading

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What do Florida public school students learn about climate change?

What do Florida public school students learn about climate change in their science classes? According to a report from the National Center for Science Education and the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund our students may not be learning very much. … Continue reading

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Florida Evolution vs. Creationism Timeline

The need to defend science education in Florida is truly never ending. I chronicled the many skirmishes, battles and wars fought over the teaching of evolution in my book Going Ape: Florida’s Battles over Evolution in the Classroom. The Florida … Continue reading

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New Florida Board of Education Chair: “I won’t support any evolution being taught as fact at all in any of our schools.”

Florida has a new Board of Education chairman: Andy Tuck. When the state science standards were rewritten in 2008, Tuck was vice chairman of the Highlands County school board. Several school boards passed resolutions opposing the inclusion of evolution in … Continue reading

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A decade later and science education is still not important to Florida’s leaders

Friday was the big day! The results for the annual statewide education assessments were released. A press release from Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran’s office celebrated score increases in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Biology. He praised “awe-inspiring” … Continue reading

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