$1,661 given to science education!

Thank you to all who supported our Fifth Annual fundraising for Florida classroom science supplies on Donors Choose (see our previous post announcing the launch of the fundraiser).  We chose five science education-related requests to support and now $1,661 later all five are fully funded!

For instance:

Dissecting for Science

“Thank you for your generosity and support.

“My students and I will enjoy these dissection kits. Cant wait to receive them and test them out!

“Again, thanks for finding the time to read the project and for donating. I am humbled by all the support and trust you showed in my class.”

And another one:

Understanding Climate Change

“Wow, wow, wow. This is so very exciting. Thank you all for helping to make this happen for my students. It is amazing to get the love and support from so many on such an important issue plaguing our world. This will be a fun real life experience that my students will be able to learn from, and thanks many thanks to you as you have created this opportunity for them”

According to Donors Choose we supported “538 student learning experiences” with this campaign.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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