New Faces on the Blog

Florida Citizens for Science was privileged to have the outstanding Brandon Haught as its communications director for years. Now Brandon has taken up being outstanding in his role as science teacher, earning recognition for his efforts there. But that means he has less time for creating content here.

So you will hopefully soon see bylines here for several Florida Citizens for Science members who now have posting access to the blog. For myself, I’m Wesley R. Elsberry, and I currently serve as president of Florida Citizens for Science. My day job is as a data scientist for a firm providing analysis of multi-family housing, but I’ve worn a great many different hats in the past (see ). I have a personal blog (The Austringer) and co-founded the Panda’s Thumb blog ( back in 2004. This weekend, I did some site maintenance here, getting SSL access established, so now you should be able to visit this site without having your browser complain that it is “Not Secure”.

If you have suggestions for topics you would like to see taken up here, please add them to the comments. If there are any website glitches to be addressed, let me know about those, too.

And, please, drop a note thanking Brandon Haught for the superb job he’s done here. I know I’ve appreciated his work, energy, and dedication.

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