Category Archives: FlCfS Business

New Faces on the Blog

Florida Citizens for Science was privileged to have the outstanding Brandon Haught as its communications director for years. Now Brandon has taken up being outstanding in his role as science teacher, earning recognition for his efforts there. But that means … Continue reading

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2010 annual membership meeting

The general public is invited  to Florida Citizens for Science’s annual general membership meeting January 23, 1:30-4 p.m. It will be held at the Marshall Student Center (Conference Room 3700), University of South Florida, Tampa. FCS members, or those wanting … Continue reading

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Darwin Day & FCS Annual Meeting

Darwin Day is coming up! See the main Darwin Day website for background on this annual event. Here in Florida there is a full day of Darwin in store for folks around Tallahassee Feb. 9 at FSU. There will be … Continue reading

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Media Fact Sheet issued

A media fact sheet concerning some common fallacies reporters may encounter while covering the story of evolution in the state science standards was recently sent out. If you are a reporter or editor and didn’t get one, or if you’re … Continue reading

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Evolution roadblocks presentation at FAST

Florida Citizens for Science presented “Overcoming roadblocks to teaching evolution” during the Florida Association of Science Teachers annual conference. Three FCS board members traveled to Orlando for the Saturday talk, finding an enthused and engaged audience. Some of the folks … Continue reading

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Public Understanding

I am happy to announce that Florida Citizens for Science has joined the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science, otherwise known as COPUS. COPUS has assembled quite a network of organizations and individuals across the nation who are excited … Continue reading

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FCS now tax exempt

A message from FCS president Joe Wolf: We are now officially a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization.  The effective date for this is Feb. 28, 2006.  We can now accept tax exempt contributions. Congratulations everyone.

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Minnesota information relevant to Florida antievolution

Wesley Elsberry is looking for some Minnesota Department of Education information from 2003. Depending on what he digs up, he might find it to be connected to activity here in Florida today. Please help him out if you can.

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