Fifth Annual Fundraising Campaign
Thank you so much to all who helped us raise $1,661 for science education in five Florida schools during our 2021 campaign. According to Donors Choose we supported “538 student learning experiences.” See the classrooms we supported.
Fourth Annual Fundraising Campaign
There are now 14 Florida classrooms and about 1,831 students who are going to have extra help when it comes to science education because of our 2017 team effort. Our 4th annual fundraising campaign through Donors Choose raised a total of $2,943. You gave $2,243 and then we here at Florida Citizens for Science pitched in our promised $700. See the classroom projects we supported here.
Third Annual Fundraising Campaign
Florida Citizens for Science asks everyone who cares about science education across the state to pitch in. Through the nonprofit online organization, we have identified six Florida teachers who have asked for help in funding science education projects.
Second Annual Fundraising Campaign
This year we gave a total of $1,775 to 13 classrooms across Florida for science education learning tools. (Last year we gave $1,507 to seven schools.) Here are the schools we helped this time and the kinds of stuff they now have because of you.
Inaugural Fundraising Campaign
We worked through the DonorsChoose website where teachers propose classroom projects or equipment needs they can’t afford on their own or through the school system. FCS originally chose five science education projects proposed by Florida teachers and challenged you to make those wishes reality. The initial challenge had a target of raising $600 in donations and then FCS would match that amount, bringing the total to $1,200. Well, that was the original plan. Three weeks into the month-long challenge you donated much more than $600; you rocketed all the way to $912.
Since FCS still needed to add its promised $600 to the pot we added a sixth teacher project to our challenge. FCS used that pledged $600 to push the challenge over the finish line a week early. All of our projects are now fully funded. Congratulations!