Category Archives: Instructional Materials bills ’17

Meanwhile, in Nassau County: “I thought evolution was a bunch of baloney”

A Nassau County resident protested to the school board in November about evolution being taught in schools. He asked that the board approve the placement of disclaimer stickers in all textbooks that mention evolution. The school board made the right … Continue reading

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Nassau County textbook challenge: “Bacteria to man evolution is not supported by science”

Nassau County is the first school district I’m aware of that has been faced with a citizen’s challenge to topics in the schools’ science instructional materials. I told you about this back in early November (Nassau County complaint: “stop promoting … Continue reading

Posted in Instructional Materials bills '17, Textbooks | 1 Comment

Evolution complaint in Palm Beach County … and other news

All of you really need to keep an eye on what’s going on in within your home turf. Sometimes it’s very difficult to learn what’s happening from afar, so it’s incredibly important for you to monitor your local news. As … Continue reading

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Teaching that global warming is caused by human activity is “blatant indoctrination”

The Associated Press issued a story today about the new Instructional Materials bill approved by our Florida legislature and signed by our governor earlier this year: New Florida law expected to increase conflict over textbooks. Reporter Terry Spencer took on the … Continue reading

Posted in Instructional Materials bills '17, Textbooks | 2 Comments

Nassau County complaint: “stop promoting this scientifically inadequate theory of evolution as fact to our students”

Florida has a new law this year that allows any citizen, even if he or she doesn’t have a child in the school system, to challenge contents of instructional materials used in the local public schools. Don’t like something you … Continue reading

Posted in Instructional Materials bills '17, Textbooks | 8 Comments

David against the state’s Goliath

Florida’s new Instructional Materials law is now featured in an article in the AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) Explorer: Science Curricula Under Threat? The problem, according to those who think there is one, is in the first sentence of Florida … Continue reading

Posted in Instructional Materials bills '17, Textbooks | 1 Comment

Dixie County’s “inappropriate subject matter” book ban

On the Gulf Coast of Florida, west of Gainesville, is Dixie County, which recently attracted attention from the National Coalition Against Censorship. According to the NCAC, the school district’s superintendent, Mike Thomas, issued a directive “which prohibits the school district … Continue reading

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Wow, quite a week: Florida Citizens for Science in Nature and Science Friday!

Do you listen to Science Friday? Even if you don’t, can I convince you to tune at 3 p.m. tomorrow (Friday, Sept 1)? Because that’s when I’ll be on the show! Yes, that’s right, your Florida Citizens for Science communications … Continue reading

Posted in Instructional Materials bills '17 | 1 Comment