“There are none so blind as those who cannot see”

I know the above is a very well worn cliche, however, its relevancy becomes extremely appropriate when we consider the number of people who turn that “blind eye” toward science and particularly to the evidence for evolution. If I considered it important enough to defend my beliefs on any subject, my first course of action would be to study the conflicting evidence, which could possibly falsify my thinking. Why is it then — and I state my point rhetorically — that in the face of overwhelming evidence for evolution on a daily basis, these such individuals blatantly refuse to look? If we were to just waver subjects such as astronomy, astrophysics, and organic chemistry, there still remains a mountain of fresh new scientific papers on evolution which are being published at an amazing rate. In the last seven days we have seen fresh evidence for: 
Gene Expression In Alligators Suggests Birds Have ‘Thumbs’
Primordial Fish Had Rudimentary Fingers
Short RNAs Show A Long History: MicroRNAs Found In Animals That Appeared A Billion Years Ago
… to name just a few.

The cognitive dissonance it must take to ignore all these facts can at best be considered totally outrageous. We can only hope that the students now attending school will benefit from the new Florida Science Standards and will,  at least, be better equipped to open their eyes to ALL the evidence that surrounds them.

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