Interesting stuff

Some interesting links are showing up in discussions among the Florida Citizens for Science members.

This video is a lecture on intelligent design by Dr. Greg Forbes.

Science Friday had Ken Miller as a guest, and he discussed the efforts to push so-called “academic freedom” into public schools.

Here is a section of a site stuffed with educational materials. Evolution: Education and Outreach.

Reason Online has a new article up concerning a debate entitled: Is There Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design in Nature? You do believe in super-intelligent purple space squids, right?

All of the above should keep y’all busy for a while!

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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One Response to Interesting stuff

  1. Noodlicious says:

    “You do believe in super-intelligent purple space squids, right?”

    Oh yes, most definitely. The evidence is undeniable!

    That’s the great thing about the FSM….He doesn’t give a stuff if you believe in other deities or creators.

    Great links….thanks 🙂

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