Quick followup to Dr. Madrigal story

Writer Daniel Ruth does a quick followup on the Dr. Madrigal event cancellation: Darwinners And Darlosers: Stupidity Is 1 Thing That Just Keeps Evolving.

Here is the old event notice, and another mention. And here is a general Q&A with Dr. Madrigal (not about the canceled event). Here is an article in which Dr. Madrigal talks about the importance of evolution: Anthropologist shares insights on Darwin and the evolution of the evolutionary theory. And this book chapter that mentions Dr. Madrigal is interesting.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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4 Responses to Quick followup to Dr. Madrigal story

  1. My questions to the FCS:

    1) Is science the only means for attaining knowledge?

    2) How do you define truth?

    3) How can empiricism escape the critque of Hume?

  2. zygosporangia says:

    Are you going to cut and paste this everywhere?

  3. Wolfhound says:

    Yes, yes he is. And various crap directly from AiG, too, I’ll wager. Tiresome.

  4. zygosporangia says:

    He doesn’t seem to understand that all three of his questions are completely irrelevant. I wonder where he copied them from, I know he didn’t come up with them by himself.

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