310 and counting

19-year-old student Zack Kopplin is awesome! I hadn’t realized it, but he’s the guy behind the research into creationist voucher schools I posted about yesterday. Here’s an article he wrote on the subject: Creationism spreading in schools, thanks to vouchers

So far, I have documented 310 schools, in nine states and the District of Columbia that are teaching creationism, and receiving tens of millions of dollars in public money through school voucher programs.

There is no doubt that there are hundreds more creationist voucher schools that have yet to be identified. The more than 300 schools I have already found are those that have publicly stated on their websites that they teach creationism or use creationist curricula.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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3 Responses to 310 and counting

  1. Chris says:

    The on slot of religious humanist doctrine is not the only reason there is an uptick in private school education. Many states are making private education possible for those who can’t afford it. But it’s not being done for any religious reason. It’s all about the money. According to the Cato Institute in a 2010 article it said, “Florida for instance the state’s education tax credit program that funds private school choice saves huge sums ever year, The state gains $1.49 in savings for every $1 it loses in tax revenue.” This appears to be the reason for the expansion of education tax credit programs. http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/real-cost-public-education

    Mr Kopplin may have good intentions, but he is simply wrong about tax payer dollars.

    The idea that students who are not confined to the teaching of Darwinian evolution will be unable to compete with those who are is silly at best.

    Along with funding the perception of public school education is in decline. The promotions of what was once perversions and the indoctrination of humanist ideology has made private education more desirable for many, in spit of the cost.

  2. Ivorygirl says:

    You said “the idea that students who are not confined to the teaching of Darwinian evolution will be unable to compete with those who are is silly at best’
    At the risk of repeating myself, YOU, are a perfect example of why that statement is blatantly false. You have thoroughly demonstrated your incompetence in biology, geology and general science and it’s obvious that you know pretty much nothing about any subject scientific (other than what you parrot from creationist web sites) So, who are you to judge the competency of any student? Also, you have constantly declared your ineffectuality in spelling, grammar and style (just look at your last post) your poorly-formatted and un-proofread ramblings do an excellent job of showing us all the standard of your education. Passing on the abject ignorance and nonsense of you and your sheep like supporters is much more about indoctrination than any science educator could possibly compete with.

  3. Chris says:

    True to form, you can alway be expected to nit pick the incidentals and ignore or not comprehend the message.

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