Gainesville Sun opinion series

The Gainesville Sun has been running a series of guest opinion pieces concerning the evolution/creationism controversy. This one by Amanda McIntosh is a garbled mess of reasoning. On the other hand, the one by Gregory Mead had me cheering.

In contrast, supporters of creationism want special treatment. Creationists and IDers do no research, generate no data, publish no papers in peer reviewed journals, never defend their ideas at conferences before other scientists. Instead, by twisting what scientists say, by misinterpreting actual scientific research, they try to throw doubt on evolutionary science done by real scientists. Creationists want their ideas placed before our school children without actual research. Is this “fair”?

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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One Response to Gainesville Sun opinion series

  1. UFGRAD says:

    I guess the 700 voting members of CRS who do reasearch, who publish and who defend, would disagree…..and these simple minded ad hominem statements make you cheer?

    Pick up Collins’ “Language of God”, but then again, he’s just another one of those who has never done “actual research”.

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