NYT reporter’s answers

I had mentioned in an earlier post that New York Times reporter Amy Harmon would be answering readers’ questions concerning her work writing stories about science. The questions and her answers are well worth the time to check out. Some of the questions:

Q. Why the continuing foil of science vs. creationism by The Times and the press in general? There seem to be other topics about the subject as worthy or more so, yet so less frequently are they addressed in newspapers? Will you be broadening your coverage and comments on religion and science (better way to put it than “religion vs.science”). I am glad you are framing the discussion more in that way.

Q. Ideally, how should the media treat the Creationism/”Intelligent Design” problem to support science and prevent returning us to the Middle Ages?

Q. Why has the scientific community been silent in the presidential campaign about evolution education? There is no credible evidence for creationism. Our nation is going to be among the most ignorant in the world. Can’t the scientists open their mouths or are they afraid they’ll lose funding?

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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