Texas scientists strike back

A recent survey takes the pulse of the Texas higher education folks to see where evolution stands.

The TFN Education Fund’s press release summarizes five key findings from the survey: “1. Texas scientists (97.7 percent) overwhelmingly reject ‘intelligent design’ as valid science. 2. Texas science faculty (95 percent) want only evolution taught in science classrooms. 3. Scientists reject teaching the so-called ‘weaknesses’ of evolution, with 94 percent saying that those arguments are not valid scientific objections to evolution. 4. Science faculty believe that emphasizing ‘weaknesses’ of evolution would substantially harm students’ college readiness (79.6 percent) and ability to compete for 21st-century jobs (72 percent). 5. Scientists (91 percent) strongly believe that support for evolution is compatible with religious faith.”

In case you didn’t know, Texas public education officials are trying to stack the deck in favor of “alternative theories” in their state science standards now under review.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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5 Responses to Texas scientists strike back

  1. Jonathan Smith says:

    When will all this nonsense end? American high school students consistently lag behind the rest of the developed nations in math and science.When will these IDiots stop trying to pollute the science standards? The USA is trying hard to recover, now is not the time to fall even further behind the rest of the World.

  2. JJay says:

    Yeah why do we still try to stamp out socialism when we now have a socialist government. We should do away with any mention of free market. Im with you guys !

  3. James F says:

    Someone needs to demand that the cdesign proponentsists provide one example of a “weakness” of evolution in a peer-reviewed scientific research paper, since no such thing exists. Next on the table: the weaknesses of atomic theory!

  4. S.Scott says:

    Brilliant James! 🙂

    “Someone needs to demand that the cdesign proponentsists provide one example of a “weakness” of evolution in a peer-reviewed scientific research paper…”

  5. PatrickHenry says:

    I posted this a while ago at my place, but now I can’t find the source of my information. Anyway, I’m sure I had a source. I said that McLeroy’s alleged “weaknesses” of evolution are as follows:

    He complains that there aren’t enough transitional fossils, the earth isn’t old enough for evolution to have happened, and DNA is too complicated to be the result of anything other than a supernatural designer.

    Okay, I found the source. It’s the Austin Chronicle: Texas Fiction Science.

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