Fred Grimm has a column in the Miami Herald that takes Florida’s anti-science legislators to task.
Five years ago, the Florida Legislature was duped into putting up $310 million to lure the Scripps Research Institute to Palm Beach County.
Our cracker politicians were misled by promises that Scripps’ biomedical research would be just the ticket to keep Florida from devolving into a low-skilled, low-tech, low-paid, know-nothing backwater.
Can’t blame ’em. Jeb Bush himself was ballyhooing the deal. ”A defining moment in Florida’s future,” the governor said.
Nobody explained to our hoodwinked legislators that those Scripps fellows were nothing but a bunch of damn evolutionists.
That stuff those scientists do: tearing apart molecules, studying cellular biology and immunology and neurosciences and chemistry, hunting down cures for cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases — all of that’s based on godless evolution.