Et tu, Escambia?

There’s an open seat on the Escambia County School Board. Guess what one candidate has in mind

Todd Leonard, a school textbook salesman whose desire to instill Christian values in the school system includes adding the teaching of intelligent design to the curriculum.

He supports “intelligent design” being taught in the classroom alongside evolution. He said he does so for the sake of academic freedom rather than religious indoctrination.

Leonard said he has a large reform agenda for the school system, and his views on intelligent design and evolution are not the most important parts of that agenda.

“To suggest that they are front and center would be misleading at best and disingenuous at worst,” he said on his Web site.

Read what he has to say about the issue here on his site. And then he links to another site that says more of the same.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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