Anti-evolution resolutions aren’t done yet

Bay County passed an anti-evolution resolution. The only unique thing here is that one person on the board didn’t vote for the resolution, whereas all other resolutions passed unanimously.

The majority of board members supported the resolution. Board member Ginger Littleton cast the only dissenting vote.

Greg Laden read a better news account of the meeting.

Board member Ginger Littleton said she could not support the resolution.  She believes this is more of a political move than an educational statement.  She asked if any member had read the Sunshine State Standards completely, to which no board member could say yes.

You see, not all of these school board members are hopeless. Thank you, Ms. Littleton, for speaking up! 

Putnam County is going to be late to the party. Their school board meeting is the same day as the State Board of Education meeting. But that won’t stop them from considering a resolution. Here’s the agenda.

c. Approval of Resolution Regarding Proposed Adoption of State Science Standards.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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7 Responses to Anti-evolution resolutions aren’t done yet

  1. S.Scott says:

    Who knows? Maybe Putnam County will be in favor of good science like Monroe. – Check this out for something interesting :

    It’s a graph that shows comparative science scores of the counties that passed “anti-evolution ” resolutions.

    You’ll note that Saint Johns County and Clay County are the ones that keep the graph from looking even more humorous than it already does.

    Saint Johns County (if you’ll remember) passed the resolution illegally, without giving proper notice to the public by not putting it on their agenda. It is where Bev Slough is a School Board member.

    Clay County passed their resolution even after public input was STRONGLY against it.

  2. S. Scott says,
    –Check this out for something interesting :

    That graph grossly exaggerates the differences by using 270 as the base of the graph. Also, the number of green counties — only two (should be only one because only Monroe County actually passed a resolution supporting the proposed state science standards as written) — is much too small to yield a statistically significant result.

  3. S.Scott says:

    OK Larry – here’s another one for you 🙂

  4. No, that is not “another one” for me. The Volusia County school board never passed a resolution supporting the proposed state science standards as is. All the board members did was just say inane things like “evolution should be taugtht at school,” “religion should be taught at home,” and “I’ll support whatever decision the state board of education makes.”

  5. S.Scott says:

    Who gives a crap Larry. It’s OBVIOUS that they are PRO SCIENCE! Read the flippin’ article!

  6. S.Scott says:

    The point is that the school boards that passed resolutions have LOW science scores (except for St. Johns – which did it illegally – and Clay – that did it in complete disregard of what the people there wanted … and those 2 counties still weren’t enough to get the FCAT scores up high enough to meet the state average!))

  7. PC-Bash says:

    The point is that the school boards that passed resolutions have LOW science scores

    Yeah, I wonder why their science scores are so low? Could it be because they are teaching their kids science from the bible? I think so. 😉

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