Another columnist in support of evolution

Tallahassee Democrat columnist Gerald Ensley encourages his readers to attend the local Darwin Day celebration where they will, hopefully, learn a thing or two about evolution.

Florida, Illinois and Oklahoma are the only three states that currently do not teach evolution. The omission is one of the chief reasons Florida’s science-education standards have twice been given an F by national evaluators. Such poor science education is crippling our students in college admissions and in the job market.

Scientists explain that evolution is like gravity: a theory and a fact. Both are explanations and observed behaviors. There is debate on some aspects of natural selection in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Yet 99.8 percent of all scientists agree evolution has been proved through the study of fossils and animals.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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3 Responses to Another columnist in support of evolution

  1. Mike O'Risal says:

    And the comments about that column are perfectly indicative of why better science standards are needed in the first place. Ugh.

  2. Franc says:


    I think that today almost the whole world could admit this diagnosis. If you say that evolution is the fundamental concept underlying all of biology, and that it is supported in multiple forms of scientific evidence, I must agree. But I have to say that the most fundamental thing is to avoid the present confusion between “the fact of evolution” and “the theory of natural selection”.
    As I see, today increases the number of American School Board’s resolutions urging the wording be changed to allow for balanced, objective and intellectually open instruction in regard to evolution, teaching the scientific strengths and weaknesses of Darwin’s theory, rather than teaching it as dogmatic fact. I agree as well, because a true scientist will always allow any theory to be undermined by further scientific findings.
    We should learn from the great scientists of the past. Did they follow one way of thinking on a problem? No. They looked at all sides of a problem and all possible iterations and developed their own well-reasoned solutions.
    Following that same idea I have developed my own well-reasoned solutions. As a conclusion, I affirm that Darwin’s theory of evolution is at a very critical point. Thus, I’m one of the scientists who think that natural selection is an inadequate theory to explain the emergence and the evolution of the living beings.
    If you are interested on the foundations of a new theory of evolution and ready to rethink some of the laws of physics and of biology, you are invited to visit the blog: (and the Spanish web linked to it)
    There you can find some excerpts from the book “Cosmos y Gea. Fundamentos de una nueva teoría de la evolución” (Cosmos and Gaia. Foundations of a new theory of evolution). This book is not yet translated into English, but many people already have found it as an essential scientific issue, far beyond of the ideological and sterile controversy between Darwinism and creationism.

  3. PC-Bash says:

    Err. Is this book advertisement really germane to this discussion?

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