2nd editorial supports evolution

Another newspaper, this time the Tallahassee Democrat, offers support for the inclusion of evolution in the state science standards. Thank you!

Believe it or not, the word “evolution” doesn’t currently have a home in the official science standards for Florida’s public schools. But under proposed new standards, science teachers wouldn’t have to resort to guesswork to determine if the evolutionary principles they discuss fall within state guidelines.

The new standards, which members of the State Board of Education will consider for adoption early next year, are likely to rekindle the debate over science and religion, and what’s appropriately taught in public schools.

Under the plan, evolution and biological diversity are together considered one of several “big ideas,” firmly grounded by “multiple forms of scientific evidence.”

The proposal not only deserves strong public support, but also raises the question: What took so long?

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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