House Bill 303, filed Thursday (1/19) by Rep. Kimberly Daniels, has the potential for serious trouble. The “Florida Student and School Personnel Religious Liberties Act†has two troublesome sections that could impact science education.
The bill is broad, with the purpose of protecting/allowing students and others in the school system free religious expression without fear of discrimination. On the surface, that’s a noble desire. But there are booby traps littering the five-page bill that could blow up in many places, including the science classroom.
The first cause for alarm comes early in the bill:
A school district may not discriminate against a student, parent, or school personnel on the basis of a religious viewpoint or religious expression.
That single sentence can kick open the door for creationists and even climate change deniers in instructional positions to freely express their anti-science views in the classroom. And that sentence actually is alone. The bulk of the bill addresses students’ religious expression while just this one sentence mentions rights for school personnel. There are no further details or explanation to go with that single statement, leaving it wide open to interpretation and abuse.
The other cause for alarm can be found here:
A student may express his or her religious beliefs in coursework, artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination. A student’s homework and classroom assignments shall be evaluated, regardless of their religious content, based on expected academic standards relating to the course curriculum and requirements. A student may not be penalized or rewarded based on the religious content of his or her work if the coursework, artwork, or other written or oral assignments require a student’s viewpoint to be expressed.
On the one hand, anti-science views expressed by students can be tempered with the “expected academic standards†requirement. And keeping assignments fact based can eliminate anti-science “student’s viewpoint†issues. On the other hand, there is too much wiggle room in there that could allow students or their parents to make trouble for teachers teaching reality-based science. Even though teachers can use academic standards to defend themselves, this paragraph in the bill can still have a chilling effect on teachers who want to avoid conflicts.
This bill is not strictly an anti-science or creationist one, but it certainly can be used for those purposes if signed into law as is. There is also the very real and dangerous possibility of the bill being amended and otherwise modified during the legislative session to include creationist and deceptively called “academic freedom†language. We need to keep an eye on it for the next few months.
It’s also worth noting that the bill sponsor runs Kimberly Daniels Ministries International and affiliated organizations. A quick Internet search doesn’t turn up any statements about evolution or creationism by Daniels. But she certainly has a colorful history:
Daniels has gained as much attention for her work on the [Jacksonville City] council as her background as an ex-prostitute and a minister who performs exorcisms. Her sermons — some have been criticized as offensive against Jews and homosexuals — can be heard on local television and seen on the internet. She was also featured on a television show in 2012, where she is shown speaking in “tongues†and wildly performing exorcisms at her Jacksonville church.
The student expression section does not particularly bother me as long as we have consistently applied answer keys and appropriate standards to guide evaluation of student work. For science teachers those documents should be part of our normal routine. I see essays every year while marking/grading national and international biology exams that express a purely religious view of the history of life on earth and the result is always the same. Apply the rubric/markscheme/answer key to the answer and award the appropriate points. usually a zero.
Of greater concern is the possibility that teachers may elect to teach the required curriculum but also throw in, “That is what we have to teach but here is how it really works. Just don’t write it on a test.” Now you have 1st amendment issues and nothing will be done about it unless someone (student or parent) complains.
Brandon is right. We need to watch this one.