
raulerson is focused on cell theory vs evolution in the standards. science slams doors shut then someone prys them open. will only support insertion of theory.

callaway–looking at both theory and academic freedom.

shannahan–academic freedom is ALREADY in the standards. nature of science.

academic freedom is now offifially on table. moved and seconded.

taylor–we are not dilutting the expert work. but we have the authority to implement as we would like.

martinez–freedom ALREADY THERE!

Taylor–science is a pyrocess.

martinez–you are singling out evolution what other theory is there? concerns against evolution are cloaked. email to me called me a monkey. he knows what is up.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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10 Responses to more

  1. James F says:

    Dammit, Desai, grow a pair – hell, grow one – and speak up!

  2. S.Scott says:

    BS!!! I have the original e mail from the first speaker there that specifically states (The Truth of Creation). Brandon if you are reading this – do you want me to send it to you?

  3. Lou FCD says:

    Callaway is trying desperately to pretend it’s got nothing to do with the Intelligent Design Creationism Hoax.

    How insulting to Floridians that she would think for one minute that they’re too stupid to see through her little disingenuous tap dance.

    She’s fooling no one.

  4. Jennifer says:

    This is really not looking good, is it?

  5. Joe Meert says:

    What did you expect Jennifer. The scientifically literate board members are very clear and concise, the others are attempting to justify the wedge modifications.

  6. S.Scott says:

    I THINK she is on our side.

  7. Kathy S says:

    It is not a “law” yet…it will never be a law! She is only displaying her ignorance!

  8. Lou FCD says:

    No it’s not, Jennifer. This is a dog and pony show to stick the word theory in there so that the creationists can continue to deliberately conflate the concept of Scientific Theory with the layman’s concept of “Wild guess”.

    It’s dishonest from start to finish.

  9. S.Scott says:

    motion passed but I’m not sure what it says

  10. firemancarl says:

    is there hope?

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