Hovind denied

An appeals court upheld the federal prison sentences of creationist minister Kent Hovind and his wife, Jo Hovind, who were convicted of a host of tax-fraud charges.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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3 Responses to Hovind denied

  1. Jeff Handy says:

    I’m kind of looking forward to their release. They provide so many hours of entertainment. Kent is such an outspoken IDiot. 🙂

  2. Karl says:

    Hovind’s version of creationism are so out there that even most contemporary creationists/IDers have spoken out against his views.

  3. PatrickHenry says:

    Karl says:

    Hovind’s version of creationism are so out there that even most contemporary creationists/IDers have spoken out against his views.

    I guess that means he’s been expelled by the “Expelled.” True martyrdom.

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