“Special interest pie fight”

We’ll be tracking the bills filed in the state legislature that, if passed, would change the way textbooks are selected here in Florida. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Get up to date here and here and here.

Senate Bill 864, filed by Sen. Alan Hays, has been assigned to two committees: Education and Governmental Oversight and Accountability. There has been no other activity. The actual legislative session doesn’t start until March 4.

House Bill 921, filed by Rep. Matt Gaetz, has been assigned to three committees: K-12 Subcommittee, Education Appropriations Subcommittee, and Education Committee. There has been no other activity.

And here’s a bonus read for you. Tampa Bay Times columnist Daniel Ruth demolishes Hay’s bill: Book ’em, Danno, on Ignorance 101

“If Hays is able to jam his proposal through the Florida Legislature, the state’s 67 school boards would be confronted with a special interest pie fight as groups lobby to have their religious and cultural biases reflected in the materials provided to students.

“There could well be regions of the state where students will be taught that evolution is merely a passing fancy. They will be taught man rode on dinosaurs, or Earth was formed a mere 6,000 years ago. They will be taught there is no such thing as climate change or the Holocaust. They will be taught that fluoride will turn you into a newt. And it’s entirely possible they might be taught that Glenn Beck is a noted historian.”

The whole column is worth your time. Go check it out.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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