No basic skills to be found in Florida?

Rather than wait to dump this in one of my this-n-that posts, I thought this was important enough to mention on its own. The Consortium of Florida Education Foundations did a survey and are now holding meetings around the state to find out what the problems are in Florida education. A huge problem identified was that science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education isn’t up to par. From the story:

Mike Williams of Hamilton County explained to the career and technical education STEM group that students are not graduating with the necessary skills to go into the work force.

“We have an older work force in my industry and a lot of those guys are looking to retire,” he said about the workers at his company in “blue-collar” jobs. “The problem we have is we can’t find people to replace them.”

Williams said his company is looking for people who have basic-level skills, yet with three high schools in a 25-mile radius, he can’t find any.

The Consortium of Florida Education Foundations’ website.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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