4th editorial supports evolution

We’re definitely on a roll. An editorial in the Orlando Sentinel states that evolution belongs in the state’s science standards.

It’s taken seven years, but Florida is on its way to developing a science curriculum for the new millennium — one that requires teachers openly and vigorously to teach about evolution.

This is a big improvement over the current science curriculum in the “Sunshine State Standards” in place since 1996. Under those standards, it required teaching Charles Darwin’s universally accepted theory without using the word “evolution.” That’s like describing an elephant without using the word “trunk.”

Evolution is one of the “Big Ideas” that drive the curriculum changes, along with “Earth in Space and Time” and “Forces and Changes in Motion.”

Let’s add one more big idea. In Florida, science should win out over politics when it comes to educating children.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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