Essay: Battle for Evolution

In honor of Darwin Day, I’m posting here an essay I recently did for a college class. I’m happy because just last week I got the grade back on it, and it was real good! Enjoy. 

The Battle for Evolution in Public Schools

Scientists today and throughout history are no strangers to debate and controversy. However, there is a solid foundation of knowledge that must be absorbed first before productive debate can even begin. The public school science classroom attempts to provide that necessary foundation for later learning and scientific understanding. In the high school biology lab alone there is a wide range of subjects to cover such as genetics, taxonomy, cellular biology, ecosystems and evolution. Without such basic groundwork the student stands little chance of succeeding in later scientific study and work. However, a few active, vocal organizations and individuals have worked hard in recent years to cast doubt on evolutionary theory and attack its teaching in public schools. Attacks on the teaching of evolution and the attempts to insert alternatives into high school instruction can be harmful to students’ understanding of basic biology and should be vigorously opposed.

Opposition to evolution thrives in part because of a deep divide among the American people between those that accept evolution and those that believe life, especially that of humans, was created in its present form according to their religious beliefs. There are small, vocal groups that sometimes make the headlines about this issue, but this fire smolders continuously all across the nation as shown by regular public opinion polls on the subject. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (2005) found that 42 percent of those surveyed can be labeled creationists since they believe that evolution played no role in the present existence of living things. Findings such as these hold steady over time, too. The Gallup Organization performed similar polls over the course of 25 years. Their findings mirror Pew’s. “The poll results have not shifted appreciably in the past 25 years” (Sturgeon, 2006, p. 78).

“The American resistance to evolution is not scientific, but socio-political,” said Dr. Wesley Elsberry (Personal communication, October 23, 2006) during an interview. “People aren’t motivated to learn more. They are comfortable with what they are told.” This mindset can lead to confusion and apathy when it comes to science understanding among the general population. Therefore, before diving too deep into the subject of evolution and the attacks on it, foundations need to be in place first.

One of the most important aspects to consider is the mixing of religious and scientific thought that can lead to incorrect conclusions. It’s important to realize that atheism and evolution are in no way linked, and evolution is not an attack on religion. Science strictly focuses on what is observable and testable within the natural world.

Additionally, there are many religions and people of various faiths that have no problem with evolution. One teacher introduced the subject of evolution by reviewing with students the various religious opinions on the subject. “By making the students aware of the diversity of opinion towards evolution extant in Christian theology, the teacher helped them understand that they didn’t have to make a choice between evolution and religious faith” (Scott, 2001).
Additionally, science has a language of its own that sometimes is counterintuitive to what the general public is familiar with. The most prominent example is the use of the word theory. A common attack on evolution is that it is denigrated as something that is “just” a theory. For instance, a person writing a letter to the editor of a Florida newspaper proclaimed, “Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is exactly what the name implies – a theory that has yet to be proven and will never be proven” (McNally, 2006).  This misunderstanding is so prominent that National Geographic, in an article strongly supporting evolution, addresses it in the opening paragraph. Outside of scientific circles, a theory is often associated with a guess or hunch. In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world. Science has a host of theories, such as a continental drift theory, relativity theory and atomic theory.

Each of these theories is an explanation that has been confirmed to such a degree, by observation and experiment, that knowledgeable experts accept it as fact. That’s what scientists mean when they talk about a theory: not a dreamy and unreliable speculation, but an explanatory statement that fits the evidence. (Quammen, 2004, p. 4)

Evolutionary theory is robust and sound. It is laced throughout all fields of study in biology. College biology textbooks feature entire sections on evolution, and mention evolution within other sections as well. One such textbook doesn’t mince words when it says, “The theory of evolution, which explains how populations of organisms have changed over time, has become the greatest unifying concept of biology” (Solomon, 1999, p. 8 ). The National Center for Science Education (2002) compiled a list of more than 80 statements from professional science organizations around the world supporting evolution.

Despite it status as a cornerstone of the life sciences, evolution faces spirited opposition from the American public. This stems from a combination of strong appeals to literal interpretations of the Christian Bible and a lack of foundational knowledge in the sciences. The fact that present day humans are descendants of ancient, monkey-like ancestors and even lower life forms farther back in the vast reaches of time seems to spit in the face of some religious beliefs. A strict, literal reading of the Bible makes it clear that such a fact has to be inaccurate at best or a complete lie at its worst.

Initially, there wasn’t much of a fight when it came to school age education due to most schools being small, private and rooted in each region’s religion. However, once public school enrollment grew, the fight that was once restricted to scientists and their detractors trickled into the classroom. The offensive theory of evolution was eventually wiped from the curriculum completely and even deemed illegal to teach in Tennessee in 1925. The average citizen who held the Bible dear trusted their religious leaders when they said that evolution was nothing short of the devil’s work. Evolution led directly to atheism and materialism, they said. For instance, during a 2005 court case in Dover, Pennsylvania that focused on the battle over evolution, a reverend caught up in the fervor said, “The moral condition of America is a result of taking steps away from the Bible and away from God over the past fifty to one hundred years, since evolution was introduced” (Chapman, 2006, p. 58).

Science took a front seat in the American public’s minds when the Soviet Union was the first to launch into space in 1957. A renewed focus on science brought along with it evolution in the textbooks. Suddenly, the Bible and fervent preachers weren’t enough to hold back the tide. Evolution deniers were forced to become more sophisticated and are even now trying to don the cloak of science.

A modern incarnation of anti-evolution is called intelligent design. One of its most vocal champions is Michael Behe, who claims that there are several aspects of life that are much too complicated to have evolved by random chance. He delves into the very molecules and chemistry that make up every living thing and sees highly ordered organisms made up of parts, that if removed, would render the organism useless. This then leads to the conclusion that it’s evidence of purposeful design. “Life on earth at its most fundamental level, in its most critical components, is the product of intelligent activity” (Behe, 2006, p. 193).

Oftentimes, the identity of this designer is deliberately not discussed. Behe and others like him work hard to present their ideas as science on par with evolution and also keep mentions of religion out of the spotlight. By looking scientific and not religious, this tactic tries to slip under the legal radar where other attempts have failed. The Supreme Court ruled in Epperson v. Arkansas and Edwards V. Aguillard that creationism, which is based on a specific religious belief, can’t be taught in the science classroom and that science can’t be outlawed in the classroom due to religious objections. By avoiding the overt mention of religion, it was hoped that intelligent design would make it into the classroom.

Despite this attempt to look scientific, intelligent design is actually devoid of any real science. No research projects have been based on intelligent design. No significant peer-reviewed papers have been written about intelligent design. Intelligent design proponents blatantly skip the whole established scientific process and instead try to appeal directly to the public. Conferences aimed directly at audiences of regular citizens are held across the country, popular books are written, speakers appear in debates and multiple websites are easy to find (Discovery, 2007). But this public relations juggernaut is selling a hollow product. As stated in the conclusion of the Pennsylvania 2005 court case Kitzmiller V. Dover Area School District, which addressed the teaching of intelligent design in the high school science classroom, the judge made it clear that intelligent design wasn’t science.

The proper application of both the endorsement and Lemon tests to the facts of this case makes it abundantly clear that the Board’s ID Policy violates the Establishment Clause. In making this determination, we have addressed the seminal question of whether ID is science. We have concluded that it is not, and moreover that ID cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents. (Jones, 2006, p. 136)

Running parallel to the intelligent design movement is an attempt to take the fight directly to evolution. Rather than introduce a separate theory or idea, this plan entails casting doubt on evolution. The strategy is to make evolution seem shaky and on the verge of collapse. If students can be made to believe that the theory of evolution is weak, then they will look for alternatives, with creationism being a prominent one. An example of this strategy in action is the case of Cobb County, Georgia, requiring the placing of stickers in biology textbooks that attempt to weaken evolution’s stance. Those trying to tear down evolution stir up a contrived controversy, making it appear that even working scientists have their doubts about evolution. Whereas there are heated debates about various aspects of evolution, there is no debate in the scientific community about the veracity of the theory overall.

These multiple challenges to evolution have been refuted in the courts and the scientific community. However, the creationist movement continues to try to influence public opinion and infiltrate the public school classroom. Even when this influence doesn’t make big headlines, it still has a chilling effect on legitimate science education.

Teachers have been known to avoid evolution or give it scant attention in their lessons out of fear of drawing the ire of parents or uncomfortable attention from those opposed to evolution (Humes, 2007, p. 10). Nervous teachers and school administrations coupled with a general lack of public knowledge about the facts of evolution can have negative effects over time on the advanced study of biology in this country. This is especially true as the field of biomedical research increases in importance and influence. “No aspect of biomedical research seems more urgent today than the study of microbial diseases. And the dynamics of those microbes within human bodies, within human populations, can only be understood in terms of evolution” (Quammen, 2004, p. 21). This type of career choice can be denied our students if they aren’t even introduced to the subject in school.

There is a gaping divide between public acceptance of evolutionary theory and the reality of the theory’s importance. The anti-evolution flames are fanned by a loud core of creationists pursuing an ideological crusade against the perceived evils of materialism. Their methods of combating evolution change over time as they adapt to prior defeats.  This contrived controversy is detrimental to scientific exploration and discovery, starting in the public school classroom. An important science education foundation on which to build further understandings and ideas can suffer if patently unscientific ideas and attacks on accepted science are allowed a foothold in the classroom.

Behe, M. (1996). Darwin’s black box: The biochemical challenge to evolution. New York: Free Press.

Chapman, M. (2006, February). God or gorilla, A darwin descendant at the Dover monkey trial. Harper’s Magazine, 312(1869), 54-63.

Discovery Institute. Retrieved October 9, 2006, from Discovery Institute Web site:

Humes, E. (2007). Monkey girl: Evolution, education, religion, and the battle for america’s soul. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

McNally, A. (2006, October). Missing link still missing [Letter to the editor]. News Chief.

NCSE, (2002, December). Statements from scientific and scholarly organizations. Retrieved February 6, 2007, from National Center for Science Education Web site:

Quammen, D. (2004, November). Was Darwin wrong?. National Geographic, 206(5), 4-35.

Scott, E. (2001, January). Creation or evolution? Retrieved February 6, 2007, from National Center for Science Education Web site:

Sturgeon, J. (2006, March). The great debate. District Administration, 42(3), 74-80.

Solomon, E.P., Berg, L.R., & Martin, D.W. (1999). Biology (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Sauders College Publishing.
The Pew Research Center. (2005). Public divided on origins of life: Religion a strength and weakness for both parties. Washington, D.C.: Author.

U.S. district court for the middle district of Pennsylvania. (2005). Tammy Kitzmiller et al. vs. Dover Area School District et al. (Case Number 04cv2688). Pennsylvania.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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4 Responses to Essay: Battle for Evolution

  1. Herman Cummings says:

    Guest Article: Evolution vs. the Observations of Moses

    The dictionary gives the following definitions for biological evolution:

    1. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive
    generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic
    variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of
    new species.
    2. The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.

    The definition for phylogeny is as follows:

    The sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a
    species or taxonomic group of organisms

    Evolution is a fundamental concept in modern biology. Biology is defined
    as being:
    The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure,
    function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany
    and zoology. The life processes or characteristic phenomena of a
    group or category of living organisms.

    Now, we reach the point of discussing the history of living organisms. When
    biology is taught to our students in public schools, what are they required to
    learn? It is the theory of evolution, and any and all other explanations are
    excluded. Secular science is dogmatic about trying to establish evolution
    as an undeniable fact, and is not interested in accepting or exploring other
    possibilities, no matter how plausible they may be.

    Lets look deeper into evolution. The theory does not take the responsibility
    of stating how life originated. It delegates that to the theory of the “Big
    Bang”, which states that all matter in the universe was somehow contained
    In a very small dense hot atom, molecule, or singularity, which exploded
    into all the elements and celestial bodies of the universe, about 16 billion
    years ago. Never mind what caused that to happen, the origin of the
    dense entity, or what was in existence thirty trillion Earth years ago.
    Somehow, that explosion of inorganic matter is to have produced organic
    attributes somewhere in outer space that would later find its way to
    planet Earth and begin to grow.

    But before we talk about the growth of life forms, we have to accept the
    theory that our solar system was formed from a previous exploded star,
    which condensed and re-exploded, much like the Big Bang theory.
    However, this was on a relatively small scale. This is called the Nebular
    Hypothesis, which has the cloud of gas and dust to start spinning and
    flattening out to form the shape of a rotating pancake, with a bulge in
    the middle. As the nebula collapses further, instabilities in the collapsing,
    rotating cloud cause local regions to begin to contract gravitationally.
    These local regions of condensation become the Sun (which was the
    bulge in the center) and the planets, as well as their moons and other
    debris in the Solar System. Never mind that the nebula was not uniform
    and that the local regions had their own unique composition, and that
    dust and gas somehow hardens to become gold, silver, copper, and
    other metals. Also, never mind about the elliptical orbits.

    Now, with supposition upon supposition, we have the Earth formed,
    and many years passing by as it cools and becomes suitable for life.
    I guess that the molecules of life had to remain in a holding pattern
    around Earth until the conditions were “just right” to sustain life
    and get the “primordial soup” ready. The Primordial Soup theory
    suggests that life began in a pond or ocean as a result of the
    combination of chemicals from Earth’s atmosphere and some form
    of energy to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins,
    which would then supposedly evolve into all the species. It seems
    that secular science is only interested in theories that are the best
    sounding fantasies, as long as it does not address the reality of
    the supernatural.

    For decades, evolutionists have been claiming, that the first life
    on Earth appeared in that “primordial soup” consisting of some
    body of water loaded with chemicals necessary for the start of life.
    This “warm little pond” was believed to have been struck by an
    electrical discharge (the energy source) which caused the chemicals
    to form complex protein molecules, which eventually brought forth
    life. From this first life, evolutionists hypothesize, all other life on
    Earth evolved. Never mind how water formed on Earth, we will
    only unravel just so much in this article.

    Now, we have finally reached solid evidence to examine, which is
    the fossil record of past life forms, and the evidence of past geologic
    ages on Earth. We have tangible data, but secular science has its
    own conclusions concerning that data. Science concludes that since
    the simplest organisms of life appear at what is considered to be the
    earliest periods of time that Earth was inhabitable (maybe about 1
    Billion BC), and the life forms found seems to become more complex
    and abundant as time progresses, that this constitutes the “fact” of
    evolution. Never mind that the theory allows for the fully formed
    species to be much more abundant, and the expected transitional
    forms are extremely hard to find, or are actually non-existent. If
    there were transitional forms, they should be just as easy to find,
    and abundant, as the other fossils.

    Enough about evolution. What about the “Observations of Moses”?
    Well, we have to clarify some things first. Those that try to compare
    creationism with evolution do not understand the facts. Creationism
    is the undisciplined doctrine that the Holy Bible (Genesis) teaches
    how God created the Earth. That is false. There are no “creation
    accounts” in Genesis, as stated by the “foremost terrestrial
    authority” on the book. Genesis states that God created our universe,
    but it does not give us details on the process. The Bible only gives
    us the amount of time (144 hours) it took to complete. What we can
    gather is that the supernatural realm, gave birth to our natural
    existence in one week, about 4.6 billion years ago.

    What Genesis does give us is what we will call the Observations
    of Moses (OM). God showed Moses, on Mt. Sinai in 1598 BC, six
    days from the ancient past which Moses would later write down (or
    have written) in the book of Genesis. Theology mistakenly calls them
    the “Six Days of Creation”, but that too is false, because bible
    scholars, other creationists, and theologians do not understand the
    text, and have misled mankind into thinking that early Genesis is
    just “folklore”.

    What mankind in general does not know is that God was defining
    geologic time to Moses, but Moses did not understand. Centuries
    before mankind discovered the fossil record (of death), and the
    notion of the Geologic Time Scale, the only account of prehistoric
    history was given to the chosen nation of Israel. God did not show
    Moses how the sphere of outer space and our Earth were created,
    but showed him one day from each of the different past geologic
    ages of time, as defined by God, in biblical order…, not
    chronological order.

    Science teachers are required to learn and teach their students the
    suppositions of biological and stellar evolution, and exclude what
    is taught in Genesis. Why? Is it because there is no evidence?
    They can’t say that, because Genesis reveals the previous living
    existence of fossils of the life forms that mankind would later find
    in the geologic strata, and also declares the existence of life forms
    that have not yet been discovered, such as prehistoric mankind of
    20+ million years ago.

    The Observations of Moses tell us that God created different life
    forms on Earth in each of seven different geologic ages in which He
    defines. The Eternal Spirit allowed Moses to be the only modern
    human to see those prehistoric animals, living as they were in the
    geologic age in which they lived on Earth. This is why there are no
    “transitional forms”, because when a total extinction occurred to
    all surface life, God would created new life forms out of the ground
    to replace them, after an interval of time.

    Every state governor and their educational supervising
    administrators were contacted in the fall of 2005 about this. Yet
    none of them have taken any step to secure training for their
    teachers. They continue to allow indoctrination of their students
    in the prejudice of secular science, which refuses to investigate the
    reality of our origins. A twelve hour course is available for science
    teachers in order to help them to give a more balanced education to
    their students.

    If we learn nothing else, please be advised that there is no such
    controversy between evolution and creationism. The correct
    “match ups” are the combined theories of both the Big Bang and
    Nebular Breakdown against Biblical Creation, and also evolution
    against the Observations of Moses. With the discovery of extra-solar
    planets, the Nebular theory has fallen out of favor. Perhaps with
    future discoveries, other current unrealistic theories will be discarded
    as well.

    Herman Cummings
    PO Box 1745
    Fortson GA, 31808
    (706) 662-2893

  2. Joe Meert says:

    Yes, we’ve all seen/read your spam on other sites or in our e-mails. Surely you have better things to do?


    Joe Meert

  3. Pingback: Threads from Henry’s Web » Blog Archive » And then there was Herman Cummings . . .

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