Vampire moths and evolution

Congratulations to Jennifer Zaspel, an entomologist at the University of Florida. Her work on evolution in action was in National Geographic News yesterday.

A previously unknown population of vampire moths has been found in Siberia. And in a twist worthy of a Halloween horror movie, entomologists say the bloodsuckers may have evolved from a purely fruit-eating species.

If it turns out that Zaspel has indeed caught a fruit-eating moth evolving blood-feeding behavior, it could provide clues as to how some moths develop a taste for blood.

Here’s a little bit more info on Zaspel.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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One Response to Vampire moths and evolution

  1. James F says:

    If evolution is true, why are there still fruit-eating moths?

    But seriously….

    Congratulations to Ms. Zaspel, very appropriate for Halloween!

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