Press release 1


What: Press conference held to give reactions to Florida Board of Education’s decision regarding the new state science standards.
Who: Framers/writers of the science standards, Florida Citizens for Science members, various scientists and educators.
Where: Waller Park on the capitol grounds between the old and new capitol buildings.
When: Tuesday, Feb. 19. Time depends on when the Board of Education makes a final decision. Press conference participants will assemble in Waller Park right after exiting the meeting room following the decision.

Florida Citizens for Science (FCS) will host a press conference to provide reactions to the Florida Board of Education’s final decision regarding acceptance of the new state science standards. Experts who created the science standards will be on hand for interviews. They will be joined by other scientists and educators from Tallahassee and across the state. FCS members will also be available to provide background information on the controversy over evolution in the science standards.

The press conference will be held in Waller Park, which is an area between the old and new capital buildings. The park can be identified by its fountains and a statue of dolphins in one of the fountains.

There is no set time for the press conference since it is unknown what time the BoE will make its final decision. As soon as the decision is made and audience members are allowed to exit the meeting room, press conference participants will walk over to Waller Park.

Brandon Haught, communications director for FCS, will be on hand to coordinate with media representatives in attendance.

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About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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