Dueling letters on evolution

Two letters to the Orlando Sentinel cover opposing viewpoints concerning evolution education. The first letter takes some previous letter writers to task for their misconceptions and convoluted reasoning:

Please remember that gravity is “just a theory,” too, but I have not heard of any Christians protesting its place in science classes, this despite the fact that the Bible describes numerous incidents of human flight. I also don’t understand how believing that man came from clay is all that much different from suggesting we emerged from “primordial slime,” as a recent letter writer suggested in your paper.

The second letter is standard “it’s just a theory” garbage, and the writer has some conspiracy “theory” issues as well:

Call it what you will to make it more palatable to the public, evolution is still just a theory. It is only a scientific fact in the minds of those who are unwilling to consider the possibility of a divine creator or that much of the scientific “proofs” of evolution are flawed. The idea that increasing the standards by which evolution is taught in the public schools will somehow improve a students understanding of the broad spectrum of science seems pretty far-fetched, and serves only to promote a humanist agenda in the education system.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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