I did it!

Finally! I’ve reached a glorious landmark. I had started writing the non-fiction book Florida’s Greatest Menace way back in late 2008. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a book project that details the fascinating history of the evolution vs. creationism battles that have been fought here in Florida since the 1920s. You will be amazed by how many times this battle has flared up over the decades just in this one state!

Today, about four years since I first started, the final bit of work was completed. The manuscript is done. The citations list is done. The bibliography is done. And all three have been turned in to an editor at the publisher.

I’m told the next step is to have “external reviewers” read it all and submit reports to the publisher about the manuscript. Then the publisher’s Board reviews everything to make sure a full and appropriate evaluation has been done. Then I believe a final decision is made on whether the publisher will give the book printing a green light or not.

It’s done. I can’t believe it. I’ve been working on it for so long that I thought this day would never come. But it’s done. Of course, if the book is cleared for publication, then there will be plenty of work to do. But I can now honestly say that I wrote a book. I actually finished it all. Wow.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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One Response to I did it!

  1. Pierce R. Butler says:

    Bravo, Brandon!

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