Op-ed in Gainesville Sun

My op-ed about Florida’s science standards was printed in the Gainesville Sun! Brandon Haught: Florida needs ‘Next Generation” science education standards

The Palm Beach Post responded to me, saying that my article was too complicated and readers might not understand it all. It was suggested that I simplify it. I took the recommendation in good faith. But when I read my article again, I just couldn’t figure out how anyone could consider it too complicated. I ease into it by explaining what science standards are, why they’re needed, how our standards came to be, where they stand now, and how to move on to something better. Other than drawing pictures, I don’t know how to make it simpler. I’m glad that not everyone thought the same.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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One Response to Op-ed in Gainesville Sun

  1. kmlisle says:

    Way to go Brandon. I hope our Dept of Ed moves on this soon!

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