End of course testing attempt II

Bills have been filed in the state legislature that would push aside the FCAT (including the science FCAT) and replace those comprehensive tests with end of course exams. That’s a step in the right direction. The problem with the science FCAT is shockingly simple: ”There are a lot of kids who don’t care because they know it doesn’t matter.” It doesn’t count toward their passing to the next grade or graduating, but does count toward the schools’ annual grades. It covers multiple science concepts and subjects that students might have learned a few years previous and possibly forgotten. Science teachers in the 11th grade, regardless of subject, find themselves having to stop their own curriculum in order to review other science subjects just to give students a fighting chance, well, for those students who actually care, that is.

So, end of course tests make sense. But the way Florida wants to do it seems rather silly. The focus is mainly on Biology and “an additional high-level physical science course,” which snubs vast fields of science that could then be shoved aside. Paul Cottle has been sounding the alarm on that problem.

There is a red flag to keep an eye concerning even the Biology exam. “The test changes would be developed over the next three years by a educators, parents, community leaders and researchers.” Seems to me yet another opportunity to scream about the teaching of evolution. We need to stay on our toes!

Another story about the tests here. A blog post from the Sentinel School Zone here.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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5 Responses to End of course testing attempt II

  1. Bob Calder says:

    Perhaps when more eyeballs are brought to bear on the exam questions, there will be some real progress in design.

  2. Kathy says:

    Parents were allowed input on the science standards. God knows why as most of them are fairly ignorant of science in general. Now they will be WRITING end of course EXAMS?!?! Why?!?!?!

  3. Ivory girl says:

    Ditto on what Kathy said and just who are the “community leaders” ?
    We all know the answer to that disingenuous crap, replace community leaders with bible thumping creationists and you will have more like the truth. Where the hell are will going with all this? sigh.

  4. Kathy says:

    I think parents should also be required to assist in surgery on their own children. They do seem to know what is best for their own children after all.
    Doc: “What do you think Mom? Should I make a dorsal or ventral incision?”
    Mom: “uh. um.”

  5. Ivory girl says:

    Kathy you’re a riot, but, 100% correct in what you wrote.Why do those without a clue always think they know best? Oh I forgot, they are called politicians

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