Advice from behind bars

There’s been an ugly tug-of-war over prayer in schools going on at Pace High School, Pace, Florida. That issue is not something Florida Citizens for Science gets involved in; however, Dr. Dino apparently has no problems connecting school prayer to a certain subject taught in public schools. Can you guess what that subject is? Kent Hovind wrote an open letter (from his jail cell) to the school’s principal about it:

From what I can glean from the newspaper articles that have been sent to me (I know, never trust what you read in the paper – I quit taking it when my parakeet died), it seems that Judge Rodgers ruled that school officials could not endorse religion or talk about their religious beliefs within the school’s cases or at school sponsored events. If what I read on, June 4, is true, ACLU attorney Benjamin Stevenson said school officials have a responsibility to “protect the silently held religious views of others” and to be sure that no one will “impose their religious views” on others. One headline read, “Religion Banned from Santa Rosa Schools.”

If this is indeed what the court and the ACLU intend then you need to begin removing the religion of evolution from your school’s textbooks, tests, classes, and videos shown in class immediately! You certainly don’t want to be held in contempt of court!

He then goes on to give advice on how to do this. Good grief. (h/t Disptaches.)

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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2 Responses to Advice from behind bars

  1. Jeff Handy says:

    Hovind is a blowhard and a zealous idiot, not to mention a tax fraud convict. The principal would do well to ignore the plea. Of course, his argument makes zero sense – evolution is religion? Not!

  2. Karl says:

    Didn’t the Christian extremists already try this approach last year? As I recall, there were even legal precedents set to formally declare these arguments to be the BS that they are. This is nothing more than a pitiful rally cry for a crusade from a man who thinks he is entitled to break the rules because God will forgive him. He is the most dangerous kind of extremist.

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