“Controversial Issues Workshop” an Overview

There has already been several posts by Brandon regarding the Controversial Issues Workshop,however, I felt that a summery of all the events would be appropriate. First, I would like to thank Larry Plank who is the Hillsborough County Schools Science Supervisor, for the time and energy he expended in organizing this event.It takes a great deal of effort to organize a workshop and Larry did an outstanding job.  I would like to thank all the teachers and educators who gave of their time to attend, showing their desire to understand the various controversies and grow as better teachers and educators.  I wish to thank the FCS who provided five of the main presenters, Joe Wolf, Brandon Haught, Kathy Savage, Debra Walker and myself. We were well received and very much appreciated by all concerned for our efforts. Those in attendance were thirsty for answers and kept our speakers engaged way beyond their scheduled time limits. And, of course, it was an honor to have NCSE’s Josh Rosenau on hand to give a presentation and offer his insight. Here’s the schedule of events if you want to see the full lineup of presentations.

In all,even considering the less than accurate TV coverage, the workshop was a unmitigated success, for the school district,for the Florida Citizens for Science, but most of all and most importantly,for the students who will reap the benefits of a well informed group of teachers.

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6 Responses to “Controversial Issues Workshop” an Overview

  1. Stacy says:

    Clap, clap, clap … 🙂

  2. Ryan says:

    Teacher workshops often provide a plethora (yes, I know what a plethora is) of support materials. Any chance that these can be made available for those that haven’t been able to attend? Maybe they’re on some FTP server somewhere?

  3. Jonathan Smith says:

    Ryan, Larry Plank has most of our talk material and power point slides on file. I know he would be happy to share them, he can be reached at.


  4. PatrickHenry says:

    Jonathan, it’s possibly unwise to post an email address, because spammers have software that “harvests” stuff like that. Can I edit your post to insert some spaces before and after the “@” to possibly make it unreadable? I’ll also add a note to close up the spaces before using it.

  5. Ryan says:

    Jonathan- thanks for the link to Larry. And good call about posting the email address, Patrick. I use something like this: http://www.email-tag.com/ to hide my email address on my website from spammers- it turns text to image.

  6. Jonathan Smith says:

    Thanks for the advice guys,however Larry’s email is not a personal one.
    The address I gave is through the Hillsborough County School District and is available to all the public. http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/
    I would never post his personal email address, that would be asking for trouble !!!!

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