Senate antievolution bill referred to committees

Senator Wise’s antievolution “critical analysis” bill 2396 has now been shipped to two committees for consideration. The committees, committee members, and vote history on last year’s antievolution bills are:

Education Pre-K – 12:
Chair: Senator Nancy C. Detert (R) — Was not in the Senate or House last year, so we don’t have a vote history on her.
Vice Chair: Senator Frederica S. Wilson (D) — Was a member of the education committee last year but did not vote. Voted no on the Senate floor.
Senator Larcenia J. Bullard (D) — Was a member of the education committee last year and voted yes. Changed to a no vote on the Senate floor, though.
Senator Lee Constantine (R) — Is new to this committee. Voted yes on the Senate floor.
Senator Don Gaetz (R) — Was a member of the education committee last year but did not vote. Voted yes on the Senate floor.
Senator Eleanor Sobel (D) — Was not in the Senate or House last year, so we don’t have a vote history on her.
Senator Ronda Storms (R) — Sponsored last year’s bill.
Senator Stephen R. Wise (R) — Sponsor of the current bill and co-sponsor of last year’s bill.

Education Pre-K – 12 Appropriations:
Chair: Senator Stephen R. Wise (R) –  Sponsor of the current bill and co-sponsor of last year’s bill.
Vice Chair: Senator Gary Siplin (D) — Voted yes on the Senate floor.
Senator Larcenia J. Bullard (D) — Voted no on the Senate floor.
Senator Nancy C. Detert (R) –  Was not in the Senate or House last year, so we don’t have a vote history on her.
Senator Rudy Garcia (R) — Voted yes on the Senate floor.
Senator Garrett S. Richter (R) — Was in the House last year and voted yes on the House floor.

It’s now time to keep an eye on the schedules of both committees. Since Wise is chair of the appropriations committee, it’s a guarantee the bill will eventually pop up there. And since Wise and Storms are both on the education committee, I would say it’s highly probable the bill will pop up there, too.

You now have the names (and links to their web pages) of those who will cast the first votes. Contact them and encourage them to not waste time on this anti-science and potentially expensive garbage. Point out that there are much more important things to spend time on. You can use this letter and this letter as guides for what to say.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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4 Responses to Senate antievolution bill referred to committees

  1. Jonathan Smith says:

    I e-mailed everyone on Brandon’s list,for or against,informing them of the negative consequences of voting this bill in. I strongly urge all of you to do the same.

  2. PatrickHenry says:

    Not much point in sending email to Wise or Storms. They’re on a mission. There might be some reasonable people among the others.

  3. PatrickHenry says:

    Here’s a link to the voting last year by that committee on Ronda’s bill: last year’s bill.

    Those voting for Ronda’s bill were: Bullard, Carlton, Diaz de la Portilla, and Wise.

    Those voting against: Deutch.

  4. Jonathan Smith says:

    I had prepared two letters,one for those who would reject the bill and one for those who would support it. I sent Wise and Storms a copy of my letter to the Lakeland Ledger. That way they know “We” are on a mission to stop them.

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