Gov. Crist supports Year of Science 2009!

Florida Citizens for Science is a proud member of the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS), which is launching a big Year of Science 2009. And it looks like Florida’s very own Gov. Crist has put our state out in front by being the first to officially proclaim 2009 as the Year of Science!

The Tampa Bay Hub and Orlando hubs are proud to announce that Governor Crist has officially proclaimed 2009 as the Year of Science in Florida. In addition, the Governor’s office is currently working to identify ways they can support Year of Science events and initiatives around the state. We’re excited to be working with them and look forward to the many exciting new collaborations on the horizon!

Now, let’s hope our state doesn’t turn around and get egg on its face later. At least we’re not the first state to face antievolution bills in the legislature this year; Oklahoma has that honor.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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4 Responses to Gov. Crist supports Year of Science 2009!

  1. Jeff Handy says:

    Participation is a good thing. Let’s hope that Crist’s commitment doesn’t stop at special events. There is real science being done in Florida that could use continuing support to get the Florida economy going again. We need to produce more technology. I’m hopeful that my father-in-law’s invention will be funded this year. We’re now working with RMI in addition to FIT. It’s looking pretty promising now. Wouldn’t it be nice for Florida to be a green automotive power supplier?

  2. S.Scott says:

    @Jeff – Yes! 🙂

  3. Jonathan Smith says:

    “Governor Crist has officially proclaimed 2009 as the Year of Science in Florida. In addition, the Governor’s office is currently working to identify ways they can support Year of Science events and initiatives around the state.”
    Well Governor, how about vetoing any Academic Freedom Bill that should come across your desk this year?

  4. Kevin F. says:

    The problem is that he probably thinks ID is science, and therefore does not offend of the 6k earth knuckle draggers with this statement.

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