The Florida Foundation for Future Scientists Need Your Help

As some of you may have heard during the State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida last week the FFFS has launched a funding campaign to raise money to continue the sponsorship of the SSEF. The FFFS is a statewide, non-profit organization authorized by the 1957 Legislature of the State of Florida to discover scientific and technical talent in the schools of Florida and to encourage the pursuit of careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).The State Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) of Florida has relied on unpredictable state funding and corporate contributions for 60 years. How ever, the economic conditions in Florida over the past 7 years have forced them to draw down their reserves. There is currently no predictable way of continuing this life-changing event without additional assistance. Their aim is to demonstrate the wide-scale support of the science fair and the impact of Florida science fairs on the students in our state. Bottom line, if the SSEF is to continue, they need financial help. You can donate at the Save the SSEF! here. As a judge at this fair for the last 4 years, I can’t tell you just how important to science education in our state, this fair is. 

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One Response to The Florida Foundation for Future Scientists Need Your Help

  1. Ivorygirl says:

    Sent my donation 🙂

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