“I stand by that decision”

Pinellas County school board candidate Ken Peluso was briefly on the hot seat when he said he believed that creationism and evolution should be taught together so that students could “draw their own conclusions.” He later told the Tampa Bay Times that he reversed that comment, claiming that the question caught him off guard.

The newspaper’s Gradebook blog has now noted that Peluso was at a separate event later on the day he made that creationism comment and he verified his stance. (“North Pinellas 9/12” forum on Aug 7, 2014.)

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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6 Responses to “I stand by that decision”

  1. Pierce R. Butler says:

    A “9/12” forum? As in the Glenn Beck-driven campaign to turn the USA into a permanent Crusader state?

    I suppose pushing creationism went over quite nicely with that crowd.

    Nobody dumb enough to imagine that they can say X at one place and Y at another and still not have anyone notice should sit on a school board.

  2. Ivorygirl says:

    Just another “Liar for Jesus ” politician whose scientific knowledge could be written on the back of a postage stamp

  3. Chris says:

    I just had a funny thought . Ivorygirl, you’re a liar for Satin. Satin is the father of lies. What a contrast.

  4. Ivorygirl says:

    Poor old Chris, all you can do is to poke and prod and provoke. You try to insult my intelligence and all you do is humiliate yourself. How can I lie for an entity that I know of no evidence for its existence (just like your invisible sky daddy)? Satan (not satin for goodness sake) is a figment of your warped imagination. Honestly Chris, you have no excuse for your willful ignorance, you are a prime example of one who deserves only ridicule.

  5. Chris says:

    Now that’s pretty pathetic, can’t spell Satan. Unlike yourself I don’t deal with him much. I suppose that’s why you can’t spell Jesus.

  6. Ivorygirl says:


    I know you suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance, so I will remind you once more. How can I “deal” with an entity which I find no evidence for its existence? As usual you make little sense. With regard to me spelling Jesus, Let me give it a try, M-Y-T-H how’s that?

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