Annual meeting summary

Joe Wolf, our president, filed this report about our annual meeting:


The annual meeting of the members of Florida Citizens for Science was held in Orlando on November 11, 2006.

Present were: Mary Bahr, David Campbell, Pete Dunkelberg (Treasurer),Brandon Haught, Joe Meert (Vice President), Phyllis Saarinen (Secretary),Jonathan Smith, Curtis Wolf (a member), and Joe Wolf (President).

The primary job of the annual meeting is to elect a new board.  Before we did that we increased the number of members on the board from 11 to 13.  We did that primarily because we wanted to add two members to our board that are also members of the board of the Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST).  This is a great organization and we need to work with them.  We can mutually benefit each other.

All of the current board members we re-elected : Mary Bahr, David Campbell, Pete Dunkelberg, Jennifer Hancock, Brandon Haught, Joe Meert, Henry Neufeld, Phyllis Saarinen, Jonathan Smith, Joe Wolf.  We also elected Curtis Wolf and voted to invite two FAST board members to join us.  Victor Hatfield has agreed to serve and the second person I have not been able to contact yet.

In a separate meeting after the membership meeting the Board got together and voted for new officers.  All officers were continued in office:  Joe Wolf – President; Joe Meert – Vice President; Phyllis Saarinen – Secretary; and Pete Dunkelberg -Treasurer.

All of the board members bring unique perspectives, talents, interests and experiences to the board. I thank them all for their service.

We also voted to move the annual meeting to the second Saturday in January starting in 2008.  We realized that November is getting into the holidays and thus a busy month.  We are hoping that more members will be able to attend in January.

Several changes were made in the strategic plan and so it was tabled for further work.  I am currently working on it.  Hopefully it will be complete soon.

Our project to rewrite the state science standards is going well.  A rough draft has been completed and the review committees are working on them.

We changed web servers this year and the new one is working well. Paypal will be added to the web site to make it easer for those who want to be voting members to pay their annual dues.

That pretty much covers the annual meeting.

We had a good year last year.  This is our first year in existence and we have been building infrastructure. We also started a major project of rewriting the state science standards. Next year we will apply for 501(c)(3) tax status, continue the state science standards process and add new activities as we have resources and people to do them.  If anyone has experience with applying for the 501(c)(3) statuse, please leave a comment.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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